
‘Lift’ – 15 June 2016

Thank you to everyone who entered our ‘Lift’ competition. As always, choosing our winners has been a difficult, but enjoyable, task.

We’ve read a lot of stories set in elevators and in cars. You also wrote about people whose spirits have been lifted, of pickpockets, robots and plastic surgeons. We’ve met dragons, considered life after death, and whether there’s ever an acceptable motive for arson.

The judges particularly enjoyed ‘Speck’ by Joanna Hunter, an unsettling tale of a playground game gone wrong, and ‘Lifted’ by Anne Jones. This story, about a teacher bonding with a difficult student, packed a real emotional punch.

We’ve published four stories this time, and given one further commendation prize. We hope you’ll enjoy them as much as we did.

  • ‘Taxi for Elizabeth and George’ by John D Rutter is the story of a long and happy marriage that brought a tear to many an eye. Beautifully written, Elizabeth and George will stay with you long after you stop reading. We’re delighted to award John first prize of £100.
  • ‘Elevation’ by Lucie Tylšarová is one of many entries set in a lift but easily the most original. She creates an ambiguous dystopian world where the seventh floor is the point of no return. This complex story rewards multiple readings. Lucie wins our £50 second prize.

Our two third prize winners are very different but the judges simply couldn’t choose between them.

  • ‘A Rocky Start’ by Tim Lee is the jaunty tale of three friends on a hot-air balloon adventure. The judges enjoyed the witty dialogue and humorous characters. This is another story that deserves a second reading.
  • In ‘The Test’ by Chris Heyward, we meet a hitchhiker waiting on a garage forecourt. The car journey that follows is tense, atmospheric and disturbing. Chris paints a bleak picture and has created two strong characters.

Both Tim and Chris win £25.

We’ve also given one commended prize of £10 to Anna Maiden for ‘Frozen Dinners’. We loved the light and comic tone in this story of a woman trying to win back her ex-boyfriend, and her confidence, through cosmetic surgery. Well done, Anna!

Congratulations to our winners and thank you to all those who entered.


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